2024 Patriot TourTM Host
The Launch of the 2024 Patriot Tour
Saturday, May 18th by the Host City - DERBY, KS
The Patriot Tour -- 115 DAYS. 50 STATES. 1 FLAG. 1 MISSION
Nation of PatriotsTM is a 501(C)3 nonprofit organization. We work on a national level to promote the awareness of and financially support the
physical, emotional, and economic misfortune that our disabled veterans and their families are living with today and everyday.
We are a 100% volunteer nonprofit. We give 100% of all donations received directly to the veterans we strive to help. We work with VA facilities and many other veteran organizations to help us locate and select the veteran families based on specific criteria.
The Patriot TourTM consists of one American Flag being carried through all 50 states, escorted by tens of thousands for 115 days straight all in honor of America’s Armed Forces members. The Patriot TourTM is a vehicle through which we strive to unite Americans beneath the colors of our nation’s Flag and behind the men and women who bravely stand up to defend them. Everyone is welcome, so find the closest stop to you and join us.
In its 10th year, 2019, the Patriot Tour saw its last (not final) launch and homecoming in Beaver Dam, WI. It was unanimously decided that the honor of hosting this event should be and forever shall be awarded to new cities around the U.S. Beginning in 2020, the honor of hosting the launch and the homecoming of the Patriot TourTM was to be shared around the country. Since then, these wonderful cities have enjoyed the host position:
2020 - Chandler, AZ
2021 - Las Vegas, NV
2022 - Erie, PA
2023 - Papillion, NE
Why We Chose KANSAS in 2024
The team in Kansas has been one of our strongest supporters and have brought the most veterans needing our help. They have worked tirelessly over the years and when they asked, we knew it was their time.
Ryan Mitchell is a Regional Commander for the Nation of Patriots. His region covers Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri. Although Ryan is not a Veteran himself, his passion is helping the Veteran community in any way he can. Ryan inherited the midwestern region when it was still a loose network of passionate supporters. From his commitment, his volunteers and his wife Lanae, the regional network has grown significantly.
Ryan credits his teammates for the true success in growing their presence. Sherri and Rick Rangel
Rangels joined right after he took over and shortly after so did Mark Cloud. Soon after this Kansas team formed, others from out of state wanted in. Jordan Lynne from Joplin MO to became the Missouri representative and Craig Milam stepped up in Oklahoma. Both of them are crushing it and attracting even more support as the network amplifies across the region.
Gina Salazar has recently become the team’s public relations person after helping fill the big shoes her young daughter Sophie left before leaving to serve in the Air Force.
The team's work throughout the community was noticed by the organizers of the Dam Jam music festival. The festival’s founder CJ appreciated the hard work NoP did for Veterans and threw her hat in to help them continue to grow.
Deryk Faber has brought great ideas and connections to the team’s quick growth in fundraising. Jamie, Margaret, Melissa, Tami, and Jean play big roles pitching in anywhere they can.
Ryan and the Midwest team are excited and working tirelessly in the roles as Host for the 15th annual Patriot Tour! A huge thank you to all the local KS 2024 Patriot Tour sponsors